Thornbills and Allies (genus)


Thornbills and Allies (Sericornis) is a genus of bird (Aves) in the family Acanthizidae (Thornbills and Allies).


Species in the Genus of Sericornis

Atherton Scrubwren

Sericornis keri

Large Scrubwren

Sericornis nouhuysi

Large-billed Scrubwren

Sericornis magnirostra

Spotted Scrubwren

Sericornis maculatus

Tasmanian Scrubwren

Sericornis humilis

Tropical Scrubwren

Sericornis beccarii

White-browed Scrubwren

Sericornis frontalis

Genera in the Family of Acanthizidae

External Links

Sericornis – Wikipedia