
Featured Species

Clark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana)

Featured Content

Common Nighthawk

Overview The Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) is a species of Nightjar (family Caprimulgidae) in the...

Blue-gray Tanager

Blue-gray Tanager (Thraupis episcopus) is a species of the class Aves (Birds) in the family Thraupidae (Tanagers and Allies...

Wood Duck

Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) is a species of the class Aves (Birds) in the family Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl) and orde...

Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus) is a species of the class Aves (Birds) in the family Accipitridae (Hawks, Eagles, and Kit...

Spotted Sandpiper

Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularius) is a species of the class Aves (Birds) in the family Scolopacidae (Sandpipers and Al...

Least Grebe

Least Grebe (Tachybaptus dominicus) is a species of the class Aves (Birds) in the family Podicipedidae (Grebes) and order P...

Recent Content

Marbled Godwit

Limosa fedoa

Egyptian Goose

Alopochen aegyptiaca

Reddish Egret

Egretta rufescens

Tree Swallow

Tachycineta bicolor


Porzana carolina

Vermilion Flycatcher

Pyrocephalus rubinus


Tringa semipalmata

Horned Grebe

Podiceps auritus

Painted Redstart

Myioborus pictus

Featured Illustrations

Streaked Shearwater
Streaked Shearwater
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Crested Grebe
Great Crested Grebe


Gallery of Butterflies
Gallery of Butterflies
Gallery of California Plants
Gallery of California Plants
Gallery of California Wildflowers
Gallery of California Wildflowers
Gallery of Dragonflies
Gallery of Dragonflies
Gallery of Frogs
Gallery of Frogs
Gallery of Hummingbirds
Gallery of Hummingbirds
Gallery of Woodpeckers
Gallery of Woodpeckers


Birds of United States

Commonly observed birds in United States

List of Domains of Life

A list of the domains of life.

List of Kingdoms of Life

A list of the kingdoms of life.