Thornbills and Allies (genus)


Thornbills and Allies (Gerygone) is a genus of bird (Aves) in the family Acanthizidae (Thornbills and Allies).


Species in the Genus of Gerygone

Biak Gerygone

Gerygone hypoxantha

Brown Gerygone

Gerygone mouki

Brown-breasted Gerygone

Gerygone ruficollis

Chatham Island Gerygone

Gerygone albofrontata

Dusky Gerygone

Gerygone tenebrosa

Fairy Gerygone

Gerygone palpebrosa

Fan-tailed Gerygone

Gerygone flavolateralis

Golden-bellied Gerygone

Gerygone sulphurea

Gray Gerygone

Gerygone igata

Green-backed Gerygone

Gerygone chloronota

Large-billed Gerygone

Gerygone magnirostris

Lord Howe Gerygone

Gerygone insularis

Mangrove Gerygone

Gerygone levigaster

Norfolk Island Gerygone

Gerygone modesta

Plain Gerygone

Gerygone inornata

Rennell Gerygone

Gerygone citrina

Rufous-sided Gerygone

Gerygone dorsalis

Western Gerygone

Gerygone fusca

White-throated Gerygone

Gerygone olivacea

Yellow-bellied Gerygone

Gerygone chrysogaster

Genera in the Family of Acanthizidae

External Links

Gerygone – Wikipedia