Mitred Parakeet

Psittacara mitratus

The Mitred Parakeet (Psittacara mitratus) is a species of bird (Aves) in the family Psittacidae (New World and African Parrots) and order Psittaciformes (Parrots).


Mitred Parakeet (Psittacara mitratus) - United States

United States

Mitred Parakeet (Psittacara mitratus) - United States

United States


Species in the Genus of Psittacara

Cordilleran Parakeet

Psittacara frontatus

Crimson-fronted Parakeet

Psittacara finschi

Cuban Parakeet

Psittacara euops

Green Parakeet

Psittacara holochlorus

Guadeloupe Parakeet

Psittacara labati

Hispaniolan Parakeet

Psittacara chloropterus

Mitred Parakeet

Psittacara mitratus

Pacific Parakeet

Psittacara strenuus

Puerto Rican Parakeet

Psittacara maugei

Red-masked Parakeet

Psittacara erythrogenys

Scarlet-fronted Parakeet

Psittacara wagleri

Socorro Parakeet

Psittacara brevipes

White-eyed Parakeet

Psittacara leucophthalmus

External Links

Mitred Parakeet – Wikipedia
Mitred Parakeet – Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Mitred Parakeet –