Thrushes and Allies (genus)


Thrushes and Allies (Zoothera) is a genus of bird (Aves) in the family Turdidae (Thrushes and Allies).


Species in the Genus of Zoothera

Alpine Thrush

Zoothera mollissima

Amami Thrush

Zoothera major

Bassian Thrush

Zoothera lunulata

Bonin Thrush

Zoothera terrestris

Bougainville Thrush

Zoothera atrigena

Dark-sided Thrush

Zoothera marginata

Everett's Thrush

Zoothera everetti

Fawn-breasted Thrush

Zoothera machiki


Zoothera heinrichi

Guadalcanal Thrush

Zoothera turipavae

Himalayan Thrush

Zoothera salimalii

Long-billed Thrush

Zoothera monticola

Long-tailed Thrush

Zoothera dixoni

Makira Thrush

Zoothera margaretae

New Britain Thrush

Zoothera talaseae

Nilgiri Thrush

Zoothera neilgherriensis

Russet-tailed Thrush

Zoothera heinei

Scaly Thrush

Zoothera dauma

Sichuan Thrush

Zoothera griseiceps

Sri Lanka Thrush

Zoothera imbricata

Sunda Thrush

Zoothera andromedae

White's Thrush

Zoothera aurea

Genera in the Family of Turdidae

External Links

Zoothera – Wikipedia