Yellow-green Tyrannulet

Phylloscartes flavovirens

The Yellow-green Tyrannulet (Phylloscartes flavovirens) also commonly known as Panamanian Tyrannulet, is a species of bird (Aves) in the family Tyrannidae (Tyrant Flycatchers) and order Passeriformes (Perching Birds).


Species in the Genus of Phylloscartes

Alagoas Tyrannulet

Phylloscartes ceciliae

Bahia Tyrannulet

Phylloscartes beckeri

Bay-ringed Tyrannulet

Phylloscartes sylviolus

Black-fronted Tyrannulet

Phylloscartes nigrifrons

Cinnamon-faced Tyrannulet

Phylloscartes parkeri

Ecuadorian Tyrannulet

Phylloscartes gualaquizae

Minas Gerais Tyrannulet

Phylloscartes roquettei

Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet

Phylloscartes ventralis

Olive-green Tyrannulet

Phylloscartes virescens

Oustalet's Tyrannulet

Phylloscartes oustaleti

Restinga Tyrannulet

Phylloscartes kronei

Rufous-browed Tyrannulet

Phylloscartes superciliaris

Rufous-lored Tyrannulet

Phylloscartes flaviventris

Yellow-green Tyrannulet

Phylloscartes flavovirens

External Links

Yellow-green Tyrannulet – Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Yellow-green Tyrannulet –