West Solomons Owl

Athene jacquinoti

The West Solomons Owl (Athene jacquinoti) is a species of bird (Aves) in the family Strigidae (Owls) and order Strigiformes (Owls).


Species in the Genus of Athene

Burrowing Owl

Athene cunicularia

Forest Owlet

Athene blewitti

Guadalcanal Owl

Athene granti

Little Owl

Athene noctua

Makira Owl

Athene roseoaxillaris

Malaita Owl

Athene malaitae

Spotted Owlet

Athene brama

West Solomons Owl

Athene jacquinoti

White-browed Owl

Athene superciliaris

External Links

West Solomons Owl – Wikipedia
West Solomons Owl – Cornell Lab of Ornithology
West Solomons Owl – Audubon.org