Tataupa Tinamou

Crypturellus tataupa

The Tataupa Tinamou (Crypturellus tataupa) is a species of bird (Aves) in the family Tinamidae (Tinamous) and order Tinamiformes (Tinamous).


Species in the Genus of Crypturellus

Barred Tinamou

Crypturellus casiquiare

Bartlett's Tinamou

Crypturellus bartletti

Berlepsch's Tinamou

Crypturellus berlepschi

Black-capped Tinamou

Crypturellus atrocapillus

Brazilian Tinamou

Crypturellus strigulosus

Brown Tinamou

Crypturellus obsoletus

Choco Tinamou

Crypturellus kerriae

Cinereous Tinamou

Crypturellus cinereus

Gray-legged Tinamou

Crypturellus duidae

Little Tinamou

Crypturellus soui

Pale-browed Tinamou

Crypturellus transfasciatus

Red-legged Tinamou

Crypturellus erythropus

Rusty Tinamou

Crypturellus brevirostris

Slaty-breasted Tinamou

Crypturellus boucardi

Small-billed Tinamou

Crypturellus parvirostris

Tataupa Tinamou

Crypturellus tataupa

Tepui Tinamou

Crypturellus ptaritepui

Thicket Tinamou

Crypturellus cinnamomeus

Undulated Tinamou

Crypturellus undulatus

Variegated Tinamou

Crypturellus variegatus

Yellow-legged Tinamou

Crypturellus noctivagus

External Links

Tataupa Tinamou – Wikipedia
Tataupa Tinamou – Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Tataupa Tinamou – Audubon.org