Cotton Square Borer

Strymon melinus

Cotton Square Borer (Strymon melinus) also commonly known as Gray Hairstreak, is a species of the class Insecta (Insects) in the family Lycaenidae (Gossamer-wing Butterflies) and order Lepidoptera (Butterflies).



Species in the Genus of Strymon

Avalon Scrub-hairstreak

Strymon avalona

Cotton Square Borer

Strymon melinus

Lantana Scrub-hairstreak

Strymon bazochii

Mallow Scrub-hairstreak

Strymon istapa

Martial Scrub-hairstreak

Strymon martialis

Red-lined Scrub-hairstreak

Strymon bebrycia

White Scrub-hairstreak

Strymon albata

External Links

Strymon melinus – Wikipedia