Red-gartered Coot

Fulica armillata

The Red-gartered Coot (Fulica armillata) is a species of bird (Aves) in the family Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, and Coots) and order Gruiformes (Cranes).


Species in the Genus of Fulica

American Coot

Fulica americana

Eurasian Coot

Fulica atra

Giant Coot

Fulica gigantea

Hawaiian Coot

Fulica alai

Horned Coot

Fulica cornuta

Mascarene Coot

Fulica newtonii

Red-fronted Coot

Fulica rufifrons

Red-gartered Coot

Fulica armillata

Red-knobbed Coot

Fulica cristata

Slate-colored Coot

Fulica ardesiaca

White-winged Coot

Fulica leucoptera

External Links

Red-gartered Coot – Wikipedia
Red-gartered Coot – Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Red-gartered Coot –