Red-capped Plover

Anarhynchus ruficapillus

The Red-capped Plover (Anarhynchus ruficapillus) is a species of bird (Aves) in the family Charadriidae (Plovers and Lapwings) and order Charadriiformes (Auks).



Red-capped Plover (Anarhynchus ruficapillus) - Australia




Species in the Genus of Anarhynchus

Caspian Plover

Anarhynchus asiaticus

Chestnut-banded Plover

Anarhynchus pallidus

Collared Plover

Anarhynchus collaris

Double-banded Plover

Anarhynchus bicinctus

Greater Sand-Plover

Anarhynchus leschenaultii

Javan Plover

Anarhynchus javanicus

Kentish Plover

Anarhynchus alexandrinus

Kittlitz's Plover

Anarhynchus pecuarius

Madagascar Plover

Anarhynchus thoracicus

Malaysian Plover

Anarhynchus peronii

Mountain Plover

Anarhynchus montanus

Oriental Plover

Anarhynchus veredus

Puna Plover

Anarhynchus alticola

Red-breasted Dotterel

Anarhynchus obscurus

Red-capped Plover

Anarhynchus ruficapillus

Siberian Sand-Plover

Anarhynchus mongolus

Snowy Plover

Anarhynchus nivosus

St. Helena Plover

Anarhynchus sanctaehelenae

Tibetan Sand-Plover

Anarhynchus atrifrons

Two-banded Plover

Anarhynchus falklandicus

White-faced Plover

Anarhynchus dealbatus

White-fronted Plover

Anarhynchus marginatus

Wilson's Plover

Anarhynchus wilsonia


Anarhynchus frontalis

External Links

Red-capped Plover – Wikipedia
Red-capped Plover – Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Red-capped Plover –