Oberländer's Ground-Thrush

Geokichla oberlaenderi

The Oberländer's Ground-Thrush (Geokichla oberlaenderi) is a species of bird (Aves) in the family Turdidae (Thrushes and Allies) and order Passeriformes (Perching Birds).


Species in the Genus of Geokichla

Abyssinian Ground-Thrush

Geokichla piaggiae

Ashy Thrush

Geokichla cinerea

Black-eared Ground-Thrush

Geokichla camaronensis

Buru Thrush

Geokichla dumasi

Chestnut-backed Thrush

Geokichla dohertyi

Chestnut-capped Thrush

Geokichla interpres

Crossley's Ground-Thrush

Geokichla crossleyi

Enggano Thrush

Geokichla leucolaema

Gray Ground-Thrush

Geokichla princei

Oberländer's Ground-Thrush

Geokichla oberlaenderi

Orange Ground-Thrush

Geokichla gurneyi

Orange-banded Thrush

Geokichla peronii

Orange-headed Thrush

Geokichla citrina

Pied Thrush

Geokichla wardii

Red-and-black Thrush

Geokichla mendeni

Rusty-backed Thrush

Geokichla erythronota

Seram Thrush

Geokichla joiceyi

Siberian Thrush

Geokichla sibirica

Slaty-backed Thrush

Geokichla schistacea

Spot-winged Thrush

Geokichla spiloptera

Spotted Ground-Thrush

Geokichla guttata

External Links

Oberländer's Ground-Thrush – Cornell Lab of Ornithology