Gray-breasted Crake

Laterallus exilis

The Gray-breasted Crake (Laterallus exilis) also commonly known as Grey-breasted Crake, is a species of bird (Aves) in the family Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, and Coots) and order Gruiformes (Cranes).


Species in the Genus of Laterallus

Black Rail

Laterallus jamaicensis

Galapagos Rail

Laterallus spilonota

Gray-breasted Crake

Laterallus exilis

Red-and-white Crake

Laterallus leucopyrrhus

Ruddy Crake

Laterallus ruber

Rufous-faced Crake

Laterallus xenopterus

Rufous-sided Crake

Laterallus melanophaius

Rusty-flanked Crake

Laterallus levraudi

White-throated Crake

Laterallus albigularis

External Links

Gray-breasted Crake – Wikipedia
Gray-breasted Crake – Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Gray-breasted Crake –