Leafbirds (genus)


Leafbirds (Chloropsis) is a genus of bird (Aves) in the family Chloropseidae (Leafbirds).


Species in the Genus of Chloropsis

Blue-masked Leafbird

Chloropsis venusta

Blue-winged Leafbird

Chloropsis moluccensis

Bornean Leafbird

Chloropsis kinabaluensis

Golden-fronted Leafbird

Chloropsis aurifrons

Greater Green Leafbird

Chloropsis sonnerati

Javan Leafbird

Chloropsis cochinchinensis

Jerdon's Leafbird

Chloropsis jerdoni

Lesser Green Leafbird

Chloropsis cyanopogon

Orange-bellied Leafbird

Chloropsis hardwickii

Philippine Leafbird

Chloropsis flavipennis

Sumatran Leafbird

Chloropsis media

Yellow-throated Leafbird

Chloropsis palawanensis

Genera in the Family of Chloropseidae

Leafbirds (genus)


External Links

Chloropsis – Wikipedia