Buff-fronted Owl

Aegolius harrisii

The Buff-fronted Owl (Aegolius harrisii) is a species of bird (Aves) in the family Strigidae (Owls) and order Strigiformes (Owls).


Species in the Genus of Aegolius

Bermuda Saw-whet Owl

Aegolius gradyi

Boreal Owl

Aegolius funereus

Buff-fronted Owl

Aegolius harrisii

Northern Saw-whet Owl

Aegolius acadicus

Unspotted Saw-whet Owl

Aegolius ridgwayi

External Links

Buff-fronted Owl – Wikipedia
Buff-fronted Owl – Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Buff-fronted Owl – Audubon.org