Black-billed Turaco

Tauraco schuettii

The Black-billed Turaco (Tauraco schuettii) is a species of bird (Aves) in the family Musophagidae (Turacos) and order Musophagiformes.


Species in the Genus of Tauraco

Bannerman's Turaco

Tauraco bannermani

Black-billed Turaco

Tauraco schuettii

Fischer's Turaco

Tauraco fischeri

Guinea Turaco

Tauraco persa

Hartlaub's Turaco

Tauraco hartlaubi

Knysna Turaco

Tauraco corythaix

Livingstone's Turaco

Tauraco livingstonii

Red-crested Turaco

Tauraco erythrolophus

Schalow's Turaco

Tauraco schalowi

White-crested Turaco

Tauraco leucolophus

Yellow-billed Turaco

Tauraco macrorhynchus

External Links

Black-billed Turaco – Wikipedia
Black-billed Turaco – Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Black-billed Turaco –