Vicia orobus

is a species of plant in the class Magnoliopsida in the family Fabaceae (Peas) and order Fabales.


Species in the Genus of Vicia

American Deervetch

Vicia americana

Barn Vetch

Vicia monantha

Bird Vetch

Vicia cracca

Bithynian Vetch

Vicia bithynica

Black Vetch

Vicia nigricans

Blister Vetch

Vicia ervilia

Bush Vetch

Vicia sepium

Carolina Vetch

Vicia caroliniana

European Vetch

Vicia disperma

Florida Vetch

Vicia floridana

Fourleaf Vetch

Vicia acutifolia

Hairy Yellow Vetch

Vicia hybrida

Hasse's Vetch

Vicia hassei

Hawaiian Wild Broad-bean

Vicia menziesii


Vicia faba

Hungarian Vetch

Vicia pannonica

Large Yellow Vetch

Vicia grandiflora

Lentil Vetch

Vicia tetrasperma

Mogollon Mountain Vetch

Vicia leucophaea

Narrowleaf Vetch

Vicia sativa

Ocala Vetch

Vicia ocalensis

Oneflower Vetch

Vicia articulata

Pale-flower Vetch

Vicia pisiformis

Purple Broad Vetch

Vicia narbonensis

Pygmyflower Vetch

Vicia minutiflora

Reddish Tufted Vetch

Vicia benghalensis

Scarlet Vetch

Vicia fulgens

Slender Vetch

Vicia laxiflora

Slim Vetch

Vicia ludoviciana

Spring Vetch

Vicia lathyroides

Sweetclover Vetch

Vicia pulchella

Tiny Vetch

Vicia hirsuta

Two-leaf Vetch

Vicia unijuga


Vicia hyrcanica


Vicia montbretii


Vicia palaestina

Wandering Vetch

Vicia peregrina

Wood Vetch

Vicia sylvatica

Woolly Vetch

Vicia villosa

External Links

Vicia orobus – Wikipedia