Russethair Saxifrage

Micranthes ferruginea

Russethair Saxifrage (Micranthes ferruginea) also commonly known as Rusty Saxifrage, is a species of plant in the class Magnoliopsida in the family Saxifragaceae (Saxifrages) and order Saxifragales.


Species in the Genus of Micranthes

Alaska Saxifrage

Micranthes razshivinii

Alberta Saxifrage

Micranthes occidentalis

Alpine Saxifrage

Micranthes gaspensis

Alpine Saxifrage

Micranthes nivalis

Brook Saxifrage

Micranthes odontoloma

Bud Saxifrage

Micranthes bryophora

California Saxifrage

Micranthes californica

Carolina Saxifrage

Micranthes caroliniana

Diamondleaf Saxifrage

Micranthes rhomboidea

Early Saxifrage

Micranthes virginiensis

Eastern Swamp Saxifrage

Micranthes pensylvanica

Golden Eye Saxifrage

Micranthes careyana

Gorman's Saxifrage

Micranthes gormanii

Heartleaf Saxifrage

Micranthes nelsoniana

Howell's Saxifrage

Micranthes howellii

Idaho Saxifrage

Micranthes idahoensis

Leafystem Saxifrage

Micranthes foliolosa

Lettuceleaf Saxifrage

Micranthes micranthidifolia

Marshall's Saxifrage

Micranthes marshallii

Michaux's Saxifrage

Micranthes petiolaris

Nakedstem Saxifrage

Micranthes nudicaulis

Olympic Saxifrage

Micranthes tischii

Oregon Saxifrage

Micranthes oregana

Ottertail Pass Saxifrage

Micranthes tenuis

Palmer's Saxifrage

Micranthes palmeri

Peak Saxifrage

Micranthes nidifica

Peak Saxifrage

Micranthes fragosa

Redfuzz Saxifrage

Micranthes eriophora

Redstem Saxifrage

Micranthes lyallii

Reflexed Saxifrage

Micranthes reflexa

Russethair Saxifrage

Micranthes ferruginea

Rustyhair Saxifrage

Micranthes rufidula

Saddle Mountain Saxifrage

Micranthes hitchcockiana

Sierra Saxifrage

Micranthes aprica

Spiked Saxifrage

Micranthes spicata

Starry Saxifrage

Micranthes stellaris

Stiffstem Saxifrage

Micranthes hieraciifolia

Storm Saxifrage

Micranthes tempestiva

Texas Saxifrage

Micranthes texana

Tolmie's Saxifrage

Micranthes tolmiei

Western Swamp Saxifrage

Micranthes apetala

Wholeleaf Saxifrage

Micranthes integrifolia

Yellowstone Saxifrage

Micranthes subapetala

External Links

Micranthes ferruginea – Wikipedia