Juda's Bush

Iresine rhizomatosa

Juda's Bush (Iresine rhizomatosa) is a species of plant in the class Magnoliopsida in the family Amaranthaceae (Pigweed) and order Caryophyllales.


Species in the Genus of Iresine

Herbst's Bloodleaf

Iresine herbstii

Juba's Bush

Iresine diffusa

Juda's Bush

Iresine rhizomatosa

Linden's Bloodleaf

Iresine lindenii

Palmer's Bloodleaf

Iresine palmeri

Standley's Bloodleaf

Iresine heterophylla

Texas Shrub

Iresine leptoclada

White Snowplant

Iresine angustifolia

Yellow Bloodleaf

Iresine flavescens

External Links

Iresine rhizomatosa – Wikipedia