Fogg's Goosefoot

Chenopodium foggii

Fogg's Goosefoot (Chenopodium foggii) is a species of plant in the class Magnoliopsida in the family Amaranthaceae (Pigweed) and order Caryophyllales.


Species in the Genus of Chenopodium


Chenopodium oahuense

Avian Goosefoot

Chenopodium hircinum

Blite Goosefoot

Chenopodium capitatum

Buttered Goosefoot

Chenopodium chenopodioides

California Goosefoot

Chenopodium californicum


Chenopodium pallidicaule

City Goosefoot

Chenopodium urbicum

Desert Goosefoot

Chenopodium pratericola

Desert Goosefoot

Chenopodium desiccatum

Figleaf Goosefoot

Chenopodium ficifolium

Fogg's Goosefoot

Chenopodium foggii

Fremont's Goosefoot

Chenopodium fremontii

Good King Henry

Chenopodium bonus-henricus

Lambsquarters Goosefoot

Chenopodium album

Largeseed Goosefoot

Chenopodium macrospermum

Leafy Goosefoot

Chenopodium foliosum

Manyseed Goosefoot

Chenopodium polyspermum

Mapleleaf Goosefoot

Chenopodium simplex

Mealy Goosefoot

Chenopodium incanum

Narrowleaved Goosefoot

Chenopodium leptophyllum

Nettleleaf Goosefoot

Chenopodium murale

Nevada Goosefoot

Chenopodium nevadense

New Mexico Goosefoot

Chenopodium neomexicanum

Oakleaf Goosefoot

Chenopodium glaucum

Pale Goosefoot

Chenopodium albescens

Pinyon Goosefoot

Chenopodium hians

Pinyon Goosefoot

Chenopodium atrovirens

Pit-seed Goosefoot

Chenopodium berlandieri


Chenopodium quinoa

Red Goosefoot

Chenopodium rubrum

Ridged Goosefoot

Chenopodium carnosulum

Sandhill Goosefoot

Chenopodium cycloides

Seaport Goosefoot

Chenopodium opulifolium

Slimleaf Goosefoot

Chenopodium pallescens

Smooth Goosefoot

Chenopodium subglabrum

Standley's Goosefoot

Chenopodium standleyanum

Stinking Goosefoot

Chenopodium vulvaria

Watson's Goosefoot

Chenopodium watsonii

External Links

Chenopodium foggii – Wikipedia