New River Gorge National Park and Preserve

New River Gorge National Park and Preserve is located in Fayette and Summers counties, in the state of West Virginia, United States.

Park Purpose

As stated in the foundation document:

The purposes of the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve are to preserve an important free-flowing segment of the New River, preserve, protect, and conserve outstanding resources and values in and around the New River Gorge, including geologic and hydrologic features, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, historic and archeological resources, cultural heritage, and scenic character and to provide opportunities for public understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of the park’s natural, cultural, scenic, and recreational resources and values.


West Virginia, United States

West Virginia, United States

United States

United States

North America

North America

West Virginia, United States

West Virginia, United States

United States

United States

North America

North America


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